Tasks and events in Jusnote can be created from various places, particularly in the "Tasks and events" section on the left, in the calendar, or by clicking the top button .
Estimated time - the period of time that is predictably allotted to complete the task. As a rule, this is a generalized estimated time required for an average specialist to complete a similar task.
You can attach a .pdf, .doc, .docx, or .excel file to a task or event and set a reminder about this activity. A reminder will be sent to persons directly identified as responsible executors for the corresponding task and event.
After creating a Task or Event, the latter will be displayed in the general table and on the card of the employee appointed as the responsible executor for this Task or Event.
Using the function buttons to the right of each activity, you can react, delete, or change the status of a task or event to "Completed".