Setting up the account in Jusnote

Setting up the account in Jusnote

In the Settings section, you can find a lot of parameters that you can set up for your law firm, as well as turn on or turn off different features. The administrator of the account has the access to all the settings while the User can have various restrictions depending on his type of permission. Tap on the Setting section in the left sidebar to Jusnote to visit this page. 

The Settings section includes:

Account: Here you can get the information about your account in Jusnote, as well as data about the Subscriber and the Administrator of the account. The information about the Subscriber is used in invoices, accounts, and other sections in Jusnote by default.

Subscription: Here you can get the information about your plan and change/renew the subscription. 

Correspondence: Here you can configure the incoming and outgoing letters that will be automatically applied during the correspondence.

Billing preferences: Administrators of the system can set payment parameters of work with clients and autonumbering parameters of contracts and invoices. The entered parameters regarding the main currency, rates, billing plan for the day, as well as the term of payment of invoices will be applied by default, with some exceptions. In particular, special rates other than the default rates may be set in the personal settings of the User or the Matter.

Calendar settings: Here you can configure the calendar parameters that will be used in the personal calendars of all System Users.

Directories: Here you can configure individual categories of legal practices, categories of expenses, types of lawyers' activities, categories of documents to use in the system, types of connections between contacts, and types of persons for additional verification of clients and monitoring by their system. The entered parameters in the Directories will be used in various parts of Jusnote.

Groups: Administrators can create groups. By creating a Contact or a Matter, you can identify a specific Team whose members will have access to the information. 

Team: Here you can get the information about all Users who are activated, deactivated, or invited to the system In this section, you can also invite a new user or change the role and permission of the active User. Learn more about managing the team in Jusnote.

Template settings: Here you can get the information about the document templates used in the system, as well as automate your own template for further use in Jusnote.

Bin: If you delete something in Jusnote, it is an inevitable activity for the user. However, the Account Administrator can restore the deleted record. The period of storage of the removed element in the bin is 30 days. After the expiration, the record will be automatically removed from the system permanently.

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